Jessica Wong, BA CT

We all want to be free, but free from what? Certain behavior patterns, certain emotions? What if you could be free from not just behavior patterns and emotions, but also the shackling beliefs that are drinking them.

And what if your deepest fears have never been true—that you were made GOOD—enough, chosen, loveable? And that every voice that has told you otherwise is a deception and a smokescreen to keep you from the reality of who you are? 

This is one of the highest honors of my life—walking with people into the freedom they were made for. I weave together concepts from acceptance commitment therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and often art interventions to help walk others into freedom, from their heads to their hearts. 

I am currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health at Indiana Wesleyan University with an expected graduation date of August 2024. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree of arts in psychology from Hillsdale College in Michigan and have had the opportunity to work with children, young adults, and women. You can find me around Cincinnati exploring and experiencing delight in everything from swing dancing to parks and good food. I look forward to meeting you and walking into freedom together.